Die Mondverschwörung

Genre: Documentary film / Trailer
Jaar: 2010
Speelduur: 02:28 min
Beschrijving: In this documentary American journalist Dennis R. D. Mascarenas, who already went on a search for the German mentality in the film "Deckname Dennis", tries to explore the Germans′ relationship to the moon. His mission leads him to the brink of despair as he descends into a maelstrom of ludicrous theories. A parallel universe of esoteric beliefs and crude conspiracy theories opens up that offers sinister insights: Germany′s most horrid past turns out to be acutely alive in respectable living rooms as well as back rooms of dubious pubs – here you find the breeding ground for stalwart anti-Semitism and rightwing-occultism of the most fantastic sort.
Provider: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Rechten: In Copyright / W-Film Filmproduktion & Filmverleih (Köln)
Director: Thomas Frickel
Type document :
Language: de